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Automatic Serial Number Creation Sap Trainingl: Master the Serialization Settings for EWM and SAP S/


Following are the detailed steps to set this up with the above settings on the creation of the serial number group including the creation of the component and finished good all the way through to the production order. These step utilize the USMF sample data. There may be minor variations using other data, but as long as the above settings are applied, you should see the same result.

Automatic Serial Number Creation Sap Trainingl

You can assign serial numbers, lot numbers, and package numbers to any outbound or inbound document, and its posted item tracking entries are displayed in the related item ledger entries. You perform the work on the Item Tracking Lines page, which you can open from an inbound or outbound document.

When you work with serial, lot, and package numbers, Business Central calculates availability information and shows it in the various item tracking pages. This lets you see how much of a lot, package, or serial number is currently being used on other documents. This reduces errors and uncertainty caused by double allocations.

On the Item Tracking Lines page, a warning icon is shown in the Availability, Lot No. or Availability, Serial No. field if some or all of the quantity you have selected is already being used in other documents or if the lot or serial number is not available.

In these situations, the existing item tracking lines are copied automatically to the invoice or credit memo, but the Item Tracking Lines page does not permit changes to the serial or lot numbers. Only the quantities can be changed.

When you are working with items that require item tracking and you are creating outbound transactions, where the items go out of inventory, you typically need to select the lot or serial numbers from those that already exist in inventory.

This alternative applies when the inventory items do not carry serial or lot numbers, and instead the item tracking numbers when the items are sold and ready to be shipped. In this scenario the numbers are typically assigned from a predefined number series.

In special situations for serial- or lot-numbered inventory, specific serial or lot numbers are defined on the source document, such as a sales order, which the warehouse worker must respect during the outbound warehouse handling. This may be because the customer requested a specific lot during the order process. When the inventory pick or warehouse pick document is created from an outbound source document where serial or lot numbers are already defined, then all fields on the Item Tracking Lines page under the inventory pick are locked for writing, except the Qty. to Handle field. In that case, the inventory pick lines specify the item tracking numbers on individual take and place lines. The quantity is already split into unique serial or lot number combinations because the sales order specifies the item tracking numbers to ship.

When handling serial and lot numbers for transfer items, the items typically have numbers already assigned to them. Therefore, the process typically consists of selecting from existing serial or lot numbers.

Reclassifying item tracking for an item means changing a lot or serial number to a new lot or serial number or changing the expiration date to a new expiration date. If you are working with lots, you can also merge multiple lots into one. You perform these tasks using the item reclassification journal.

If you are reclassifying a lot to the same lot number but with a different expiration date, you must reclassify the entire lot, using one item reclassification journal line. If you are reclassifying more than one lot to one new lot number, meaning that you are merging more than one lot into one new lot, you must enter the same new expiration date for all the lots. If you are reclassifying one existing lot to a second existing lot that has a different expiration date, you must use the expiration date from the second lot. If you leave the New Expiration Date field blank, the lot or serial number will be reclassified with a blank expiration date.

With the help of SAP EWM all the goods movement are controlled by a warehouse management system and provides you the tools to monitor warehouse activities. You can also manage additional functions in the Warehouse like creating a serial number, batch number, vendor management inventory, resource optimization and value added services. SAP Extended Warehouse Management allows you to not only monitor the quantity of goods in Warehouse but to manage other critical functions and delivery of goods efficiently.

Using serial numbers, you can easily track the location of goods in the warehouse. A serial number can be used to identify the vendor and receiver details who has sent and received goods in a warehouse.

A serial number is a series of characters that have been assigned to each product in the warehouse so that it remains separate and are identified in the warehouse system. You can use serial numbers up to a length of 30 characters in an EWM system. However, SAP recommends to use a maximum of 18 characters to make it compatible with the ERP system.

The provisional serial numbers are 30 characters and always start with a $ sign. When you post goods receipt, provisional serial number is assigned and when you confirm putaway warehouse tasks, you must replace the provisional serial number with the real ones.

1. temporarily set the serial number profile on "optional" serialization (Customizing Transaction OIS2).2. Afterwards, receipt into the stock is then tio be posted without serial numbers.3. After that, the serial number profile should again be set on "must".4. The system now books out the booked in material with the serial numbers.

1. temporarily set the serial number profile on "optional" serialization (Customizing Transaction OIS2).2. After that, you must post an issue without serial numbers.3. After that, the serial number profile should again be set on "must".4. Now, the cleared material with the serial numbers is posted.

If the number of serial numbers is correct and you suspect that the stock is incorrect, it is a data inconsistency. The procedure for this case is described in the FAQ 520010 (Inconsistencies in inventory management).

Answer: In order to allow the automatic serial number assignment, the system records the highest assigned (purely numerical) serial number for each material in a separate table (MASE). During the automatic serial number assignment, a select is carried out against table MASE (to find this highest serial number) and the system starts simply with this highest already assigned number.

If you create a unique index, Access doesn't allow you to enter a new value in the field if that value already exists in the same field in another record. Access automatically creates a unique index for primary keys, but you might also want to prohibit duplicate values in other fields. For example, you can create a unique index on a field that stores serial numbers so that no two products have the same serial number.

Another source of automatic index creation is the AutoIndex on Import/Create option in the Access Options dialog box. Access automatically indexes any fields with names that begin or end with the characters entered in the AutoIndex on Import/Create box, such as ID, key, code, or num. To see or change the current setting, take the following steps:

For companies active in the pharmaceutical supply chain, complying with the regulations on the serialization of medicines is a tremendous challenge. For instance, pharmaceutical companies are required to organize the many different types of serial numbers arising out of country-specific regulations, and process responses from various stakeholders in different formats, such as E-Mail, PDF and Excel, to name but a few. These requirements can only be met using a sophisticated and integrated warehouse management system (WMS). We spoke with the Managing Director of KNAPP IT Solutions, Thomas Furthmayr, who sheds some light on the useful functions, benefits and smart solutions that the WMS software SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM) provides for the pharmaceutical sector.

Some countries do not require the seamless tracking of serial numbers along the entire supply chain. In the EU, for instance, medicines do not normally have to be tracked on their way from the manufacturer to the wholesaler or from the wholesaler to the pharmacy. However, if the medicines are exchanged between different wholesalers, their authenticity must be checked. If the medicines are directly delivered to patients according to the direct-to-patient principle, for instance, or if the customer, like hospitals, does not have the means to deactivate the serial numbers, wholesalers are additionally required to deactivate the products and map this in the warehouse management system.

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