'Illustrative' images are things like photos of your venue, or press stills from a show. They help to convey information, in context. 'Decorative' images include things like page dividers, or brand graphics. They make things look nice, or visually break-up content on a page. They don't have any contextual significance or meaning, so won't help people understand the page better if given alt text.
How good link text makes you a better blogger
It's a web-design convention to use a logo graphic as a link back to a site's home page. In this case, we would use alternative text that describes the action of the link. After placing the logo inside a link pointing to the home page, appropriate alternative text might be "Harvard University home page" or similar. A screen reader would identify that the image is also a link and say, "Harvard University homepage, link."
People who use screen readers sometimes scan a list of links. Links should convey clear and accurate information about the destination. For example, avoid using link texts such as "Click here," "See this page," "Go here," or "Learn more." Instead include the full title of the destination page. You can also add ScreenTips that appear when your cursor hovers over text or images that include a hyperlink.
Use the Accessibility Checker to analyze the document and find insufficient color contrast. The tool now checks the documents for text color against page color, table cell backgrounds, highlight, textbox fill color, paragraph shading, shape and SmartArt fills, headers and footers, and links.
Use the Accessibility Checker, to analyze the document and find insufficient color contrast. The tool now checks the documents for text color against page color, table cell backgrounds, highlight, textbox fill color, paragraph shading, shape and SmartArt fills, headers and footers, and links.
People who use screen readers sometimes scan a list of links. Links should convey clear and accurate information about the destination. For example, avoid using link texts such as "Click here," "See this page," "Go here," or "Learn more." Instead include the full title of the destination page.
While using these auto-generated versions can save you time, be sure to take a few minutes to edit them as needed. There may be added spaces between paragraphs, corrupted characters (ASCII characters such as trademark, copyright, and smart quotes, etc. that may not be supported), and links and text that are unnecessary.
You can insert links (hyperlinks) in blog posts, pages, product descriptions, and collection descriptions with the rich text editor. You can add links that direct customers to pages within your Shopify online store and to other websites. You can also add links that open email messages or make phone calls, to help customers contact you.
Step 7. Go back to the image in your email and check the right URL appears in the text box when you click on the image. When you hover on the link, the URL should be displayed, with an option to Change or Remove the link.
Using a hyperlink in an email is a neat and succinct way of providing a link for your recipient to click on, without the unnecessary space taken up by lengthy URLs. Thankfully, Gmail allows you to insert hyperlinks into both text, images and even GIFs, with very little effort.
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