As noted yesterday full product releases (with license keys) of SQL Anywhere 12.0.1 for Windows and Linux are now available to subscribers at the Sybase Product Download Center What wasn't mentioned was that the setup.exe will also do an upgrade from 12.0.0 to as well as a full install, so you don't have to uninstall 12.0.0 first.Here are three Windows downloads available on the Product Download Center:SQL Anywhere 12.0.1 Windows Documentation - don't bother, this ain't the Help :)
CD - SQL Anywhere 12.0.1 Windows 32/64-bit - this is what you want: SQL Anywhere, Sybase Central and dbisql... but not the Help; that you have to download separately, and the setup GUI gives you a link to it.
CD - SQL Anywhere 12.0.1 Development and Design Tools Windows 32/64-bit - this is InfoMaker 12.0 and PowerDesigner 15.2 Physical Model.
As of this writing nothing related to 12.0.1 has shown up yet at
Powerdesigner 15.2 License Key
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Setelah diinstal maka powerdesigner masih belum full version dan dalam waktu 15 hari maka akan dead hehe, untuk itu download dicracknya
Setelah didownload kemudian diekstrak, lalu didalammnya akan ada file pdflm15.dll copy file tersebut kedalam direktori powerdesigner yang tadi diinstall, secara default maka akan berada di C:\Program Files\Sybase\PowerDesigner 15 copy saja disana, jika ada file yang sama maka copy and replace saja.
Powerdesigner 15.2 anda jadi full version deh,
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