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Skavenger – Source Code Auditing Tool! Find and Fix Common Web Vulnerabilities

Developers use numerous tools throughout software code creation, building and testing. Development tools often include text editors, code libraries, compilers and test platforms. Without an IDE, a developer must select, deploy, integrate and manage all of these tools separately. An IDE brings many of those development-related tools together as a single framework, application or service. The integrated toolset is designed to simplify software development and can identify and minimize coding mistakes and typos.

Skavenger – Source Code Auditing Tool!

An IDE typically contains a code editor, a compiler or interpreter, and a debugger, accessed through a single graphical user interface (GUI). The user writes and edits source code in the code editor. The compiler translates the source code into a readable language that is executable for a computer. And the debugger tests the software to solve any issues or bugs.

An IDE's toolbar looks much like a word processor's toolbar. The toolbar facilitates color-based organization, source-code formatting, error diagnostics and reporting, and intelligent code completion. Through an IDE's interface, a developer or team of developers can compile and execute code incrementally and manage changes to source code in a uniform manner. IDEs are typically designed to integrate with third-party version control libraries, such as GitHub and Apache's Subversion.

An IDE can support model-driven development (MDD). A developer working with an IDE starts with a model, which the IDE translates into suitable code. The IDE then debugs and tests the model-driven code, with a high level of automation. Once the build is successful and properly tested, it can be deployed for further testing through the IDE or other tools outside of the IDE.

Increasingly, IDEs are offered on a platform as a service (PaaS) delivery model. The benefits of these cloud-based IDEs include accessibility to software development tools from anywhere in the world, from any compatible device; minimal to nonexistent download and installation requirements; and ease of collaboration among geographically dispersed developers. Cloud9 is an IDE from AWS that supports up to 40 languages including C, C++, Python, Ruby and JavaScript. Cloud9 gives users code completion, an image editor and a debugger, as well as other features such as support for deployment to Microsoft Azure and Heroku (which is a cloud-based PaaS IDE).

IDEs such as C-Free -- which supports a code editor, debugger and an environment to run C and C++ code -- are language specific. Other IDEs support multiple languages, such as previously mentioned Cloud9 and Visual Studio Code. More popular IDE tools include NetBeans, Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA.

Bonus reading: The Context implementation uses [timer.AfterFunc]( ) to schedule the deadline timer, and the [timer.(*Timer).Stop]( ) method to cleanup that timer when the Context is canceled. Take a peek at the context.go source code to see how the timer is created and used.

Gaps in Go tooling made investigating difficult. Debugging this issue was hampered by a notable gap in Go tooling that we would not have faced were our code running on the JVM. All signs pointed to this issue being a fairly classic memory leak but Go does not really have tooling to dump and analyze heaps. While the pprof tool can be useful to find some memory issues, and did give some useful hints in this case, it is limited: it gives statistics on where objects are allocated but not what is retaining them.

With evidence of a memory leak, we decided to use pprof to narrow down which code was leaking memory. Pprof is a standard Go tool for dumping, exploring, and visualizing statistics about memory and CPU use of Go apps. With pprof, you can either analyze a single dump or the diff between two different dumps. That latter is useful for finding changes after an application is running in a steady state.

By this point, we knew that Contexts were leaking and where those Contexts were being created. We reread the Context documentation and scanned through its source code to get a better understanding of how it is implemented. This led us to seeing its use of time.AfterFunc and how that interacts with the runtime. We then formed a hypothesis that these timer callbacks were leaking. This was soon confirmed by a more thorough reading of the source code of our server framework.

Application developers often use SMB shares to publish changes to projects across the network. When those shares are not properly restricted, users on the network have access to browse source code of the application, at a minimum.

Shares that include custom application or web application source code are a serious issue. Where read access is possible, an attacker can investigate source code for programming issues, check configuration files for credentials, and is likely to have SQL access somewhere on the network as a result.

Where write access is possible, the situation gets much worse. If project files and source code are staged on the target share, an attacker can embed malicious code in the project file or source code of the application. When the project gets built or executed, the attacker gains access to the hosting server (or wherever the project is being built). On an application server, the attacker can also deploy malicious functionality, embedded in or disguised as legitimate functionality of the application. The Laudanum project is still one of my favorite web shells and is useful for executing commands in the context of the web application service account.

spel was a Russian nesting doll of binaries. It starts with a giant function that has thousands move instructions setting a single byte at a time into a buffer and then calling it. That buffer is shellcode that loads and calls a DLL. That DLL loads and calls a function from a second DLL. In that DLL, there are a series of checks that cause the program to exit (different file name, network connection), before the flag bytes are eventually decoded from a PNG resource in the original binary, and then scrambled into an order only observable in debug.

In my analysis of an emotet sample, I came across PSDecode, and, after some back and forth with the author and a couple updates, got it working on this sample. The tool is very cool. What follows is analysis of a different emotet phishing document similar to the other one I was looking at, as well as PSDecode output for the previous sample.

The anesthesia machine is a basic tool of the anesthesiologist/anesthetist and serves as the primary work station. It allows the anesthesia provider to select and mix measured flows of gases, to vaporize controlled amounts of liquid anesthetic agents, and thereby to administer safely controlled concentrations of oxygen and anesthetic gases and vapors to the patient via a breathing circuit. The anesthesia machine also provides a working surface for placement of drugs and devices for immediate access and drawers for storage of small equipment, drugs, supplies, and equipment instruction manuals. Finally, the machine serves as a frame and source of pneumatic and electric power for various accessories such as a ventilator, and monitors that observe or record vital patient functions or that are critical to the safe administration of anesthesia.

Cylinder supply source is a cylindrical-shaped tank that is color-coded and pin-indexed or Compressed Gas Association (CGA) valve-specific and used to contain a specified medical gas. It supplies compressed gas to the anesthesia machine if a pipeline supply source is not available or if the pipeline fails. Cylinders range in size from B (smallest) to H (largest).

Want to surprise a teacher and prove that you know the latest technology? Why not create a quick response (QR) code scavenger hunt? You can use to scavenger hunt to lead your teacher to a surprise of some sort (flowers, cards, their group of students singing...the sky's the limit!).Don't know how to create a QR code scavenger hunt? Check out this blog from educator Mary Beth Hertz: "Using QR Codes in the Classroom" or take a look at these resources: QR Codes in Education Live Binder by Steven Anderson or use this QR Code Treasure Hunt Generator. Bonus: Here's a great blog from Andrew Miller on "Twelve Ideas for Teaching with QR Codes."

Reducing pointer usage often means digging into the source code of the types used to construct our programs. Our service, Centrifuge, retains a queue of failed operations to retry as a circular buffer with a set of data structures that look something like this:

It turns out there is a much more efficient way to do the same thing that uses a common pattern across the standard library. While the Format() method is easy and convenient, code using AppendFormat() can be much easier on the allocator. Peering into the source code for the time package, we notice that all internal uses are AppendFormat() and not Format(). This is a pretty strong hint that AppendFormat() is going to yield more performant behavior. 2ff7e9595c

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